Dual Enrollment

Welcome to Jackson State Community College’s (JSCC) Dual Studies Website

JSCC proudly partners with school systems in our 14-county service area to provide high school students with Dual Enrollment opportunities to earn college credit. That credit, in many instances, is also used to satisfy high school diploma requirements. Dual Enrollment awards both high school and college credit, while Dual Credit awards college credit only. Courses are taught by qualified instructors and may be conducted either at the college, the high school, or through a distance learning format.

Dual Enrollment courses are actual college courses. Therefore, the grade of all Dual Enrollment courses becomes part of the student’s permanent college transcript. An official copy of this transcript will need to be requested from JSCC to be provided to any college the student applies to in the future.

Students and parents should be aware these courses are designed for the traditional college-age student and adults. The student may be exposed to content, language, discussions, and education approaches appropriate for adults. The Dual Studies program also includes Dual Credit, which is credit awarded based commonly upon exam and is taught at the high school by high school teachers.

Many students and parents are not aware Dual Credit and Dual Enrollment are two different ways to earn college credit.

Dual Enrollment students have access to and are welcome to use all college facilities such as the library, Academic Assistance Center, fitness center, and participate in college activities and organizations. In addition, dually enrolled students may access college services, such as advising and completion coaching, at any time. Please contact the number below for assistance with any of these services.

High School Dual Enrollment & Middle College
(731) 425-2630